Monday, February 13, 2023
Building your email list is something you should always be focused on. It's one of your most valuable business assets you will create over time.
Getting people to subscribe is probably one of the biggest challenges most people have when first starting out leaving most wondering...
People don’t just subscribe to an email lists for the fun of it.
Today more than ever, people are very choosy when it comes to who they give their email address to.
You have to provide them something valuable and useful to them if you want them to surrender their email address. It has to grab their attention and it has to help them with attaining their core desire.
There simply is no way around this.
If you're not sure about what they want, then you need to learn more about who your dream subscriber or customers are and the problems they want to solve.
There are a lot of things you can use to provide this value to your audience. You can provide eBooks, checklist, guides or mini-trainings.
One of the most effective ways of providing that valuable content in return for someone's email address is Case Study Lead Magnet.
A lead magnet is an irresistible bribe offering a specific chunk of value to a prospect in exchange for their contact information using a sales funnel with a form.
This can be any piece of content such as a whitepaper, templates, ebook, checklist, newsletter or video training.
The content in your lead magnet should be intended to drive awareness but also provide information that helps your potential customer engage and find a deeper interest in your product or service.
The primary goal of a lead magnet is to maximize the number of targeted leads or subscribers, you are getting for a specific offer.
Case studies are a great way to tell the world how valuable your products or services are through a story about a customers problem you have already solved.
They’re more than just simple customer testimonials, they show real-life examples of how you were able to satisfy your customer’s needs and help them reach their objectives, solve a problem and reach their goals.
A great case study highlights a problem a customer had and how you solved it for them.
It shows your successes in a way that will make your ideal potential customer become a paying customer.
The following are 7 steps on how to make your case studies a powerful asset in building your email list as a value packed lead magnet.
1) Creating a headline that hooks readers
This is the hook that will pull your reader in, so make it as intriguing as you can.
Something like “How [insert product name] Saved My Bacon on My $1 Million Launch” rather than something more straightforward but less interesting like “[insert product name] Helped Make My Launch a Success.”
2) Share your back story
Lead with a story. Who are you? What’s your situation? How or why did you get into your niche or industry?
Your personal details really liven up a backstory.
Whether it’s, “I was tired of working part time at the local Gas ‘n Go and living in a 1 bedroom apartment with 3 roommates, “ or “ I had been teaching dogs how to juggle for 10 years just for fun and then realized that people would pay money to learn how to do it,” bring your story to life with a situation that a reader can identify with.
This is really the secret sauce to online marketing…
3) What’s the problem? Point it out.
You need to define a describe the problem that your customer had.
Were they overwhelmed by the complexity and costliness of other products/tools?
Did another product or company let them down?
What difficulties were they encountering that they hoped your product could resolve?
Make the reader feel the pain your customer endured.
4) What’s the solution? Describe how you solve the problem
Once you define the problem, now explain how you solved it.
Exactly how did [insert product name] ease their pain points?
What were they able to do that they couldn’t do before?
Are they now able to reach their objectives and goals? How did [insert product name, feature X] make it easier for them?
Again, specifics will help your case study make the case for signing up for subscribing.
5) Rave about the outcome of the solution
Enthusiasm can go a long way.
What impact did having [insert product name] solution have on their bottom line or their life?
Were they able to go out and buy a yacht with the revenue you made for them?
Do they now have tons more free time that you can spend with their friends and family?
Did their dream of making a difference in the world with your product or service come true?
Talk about how great your results were and what that means to you.
6) Reflect on the journey you’ve been on.
If a reader has stuck around to this point, you can trust them with your personal insights…
What did you learn and how will you use that knowledge in the future?
This, really, is the most important piece of the puzzle.
If they’re seriously thinking about signing up for [insert product name] , they’ve probably heard plenty in the problem → solution → outcome department, but your honest and sincere reflection upon it will be what helps them trust you and go to the next step.
7) Close your case study with a snappy endorsement.
Write why they would recommend [insert product name]. Rave reviews are powerful convincers.
Put your endorsement in a quote from you.
When you’re done writing, you will want to package it up nicely in a book or other nicely designed format.
There are a lot of designers that can help you with this. One of my favorite places for this is the Funnel Rolodex.
Hope you got some value out of this and will try using a case study for your lead magnet.
Here is a video on how you can use your lead magnet in a sales funnel.
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